Keeping Beauty Simple: Our Editor's Two Go-To Products For Supple Skin And Luscious Locks
Image by Stefan Nikolovski
Coming from a Portuguese and mixed background, and being extremely busy - I like to keep my beauty regimen very simple. Having combination skin and being over 30, my skin has changed and so has my patience level! I’ve learned when I keep simple and as close as natural for my beauty regimen, both my hair, skin and nails and sanity stay in tack. From when I was a young kid until now coconut oil has been a part of my daily skincare routine. An ex once told me in my 20’s “for someone who doesn’t work out, your skin is so resilient and I think it’s because you take forever lotioning your body with oils - it makes us late but it works.” This was a real comment, and I swear, now that I am in my 30's, I laugh at it and couldn't agree more.
Moreover, when you do get older your body's production level of certain vitamins aren't as potent as when your in your 20's. But, who cares! Aging is a beautiful process and the best part is you can find the vitamins and products that can help. I've shared my two favorite go-to products, it is not for everyone but more knowledge is good knowledge! Throughout the time I've heard doctor’s and indulgers alike debating for years on the health benefits of coconut oil vs. risks of the drupe (fruit with a hard shell). What consumers have recently discovered, though, are the magical powers the coconut holds within. Not just for what goes on internally, but for our skin and hair.
So, what can coconut oil even do?
Coconut oil, as lotion, absorbs quicker than most other body oils, and doesn’t leave you with that slick oily feeling afterwards. Your skin is left soft and sleek. You can rub the oil onto your skin after washing in the shower or even just washing your hands after cooking. A lot of soaps can leave your skin feeling dry after use, but supplementing with a dab of coconut oil will return your skin’s needed moisture.
Is there too strong of a coconut scent for you? Choosing an organic coconut oil brand or adding a few drops of your favorite scented oil can defuse the coconut scent. Come to find out coconut oil actually has both antibacterial and healing properties. One of our favorite blends of coconut oil is from Herbivore Coco Rose. It smells divine and comes with a scrub to exfoliate the dead skin cells our bodies accumulate over time. It is gentle enough for sensitive skin and perfect for all weather conditions.
Keeping on with coconut oil and adding vitamins for internal balance of hair and skin
Are you plagued by that pesky problem we call dandruff? Rubbing a little coconut oil onto your scalp before bed, then rinsing it out in the morning, can improve dandruff issues immensely. Every other day, three times a week should do the trick. However, doing so can leave your hair oily, so make sure to rinse your hair out thoroughly.
Another little side job that this magic oil works great for is leg shaving. If you coat your legs with a thin layer of coconut oil before jumping into the shower, your legs will be nice and moisturized for rubbing that razor over them. The oil doesn’t wash off very easily, so you are guaranteed to have silky smooth legs to go about your day. When you get out of the shower, simply finish rubbing in the oil, and you’ll be set to go!
It’s not the least expensive of moisturizers, but do to the simple fact that you only have to use a bit to get the job done, every penny is worth it. Finding vitamins for hair skin and nails is another favorite option of ours. One of our favorite vitamins that we get monthly is a brand called, HairAnew. They can be purchased on Amazon at an affordable price and not to mention - they actually work! Once you experience the curative benefits of coconut oil for yourself, and you’ll be singing it’s praises.